IE Domain Registry t/a .IE

The Company operates a pension scheme for the benefit of all participating full-time employees. It also has a Safety Statement in accordance with the relevant legislation. Health benefits for staff were improved in 2020 with the introduction of our .IE Health Insurance Group Plan, which includes an Employee Assistance Programme and other physical and mental health supports. Sustainability and environmental awareness In 2020, work continued on green initiatives to reduce and manage our carbon emissions, managed by our Project Glás team. The vision for Project Glás was to baseline our current carbon footprint and work towards reducing it, through actions and decisions, both big and small, on a day-to-day basis. The goal is to educate and build awareness to promote sustainability. The Project Glás team is made up of staff and management volunteers. The “Go Carbon Neutral 2020” initiative acted as a template, and from that we have worked in partnership with other companies and forestry partners. The aim of this campaign is to “fight Climate Change with Native Irish Woodland Creation”, offsetting our carbon emissions by planting trees and thereby continuously moving closer to our target of becoming carbon neutral. We are committed to achieving a positive impact on society, to being pro- active in terms of our corporate social responsibility and working with leading industry figures in climate, forestry and biodiversity. Corporate Governance IE Domain Registry CLG t/a .IE / Annual Report & Review 2020 15